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Recursive Option

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If you want to convert all base files in the current directory and subdirectories, use the --recursive or -r option.

mmg --recursive

For example, let's assume that the current path is as follows.

├─ docs/
│  └─
├─ jupyter/
│  └─ Collie.base.ipynb

Using the recursive option, you can convert all base files in the current directory and subdirectories.

$ mmg -r
 => 3 base files were found.
    Do you want to convert these files? [y/N]

You can also use the recursive option when you pass a file as an argument, and you can also use it with the --output option. (About the --output option, see here.) However, it cannot be used with the batch processing option. If you use --recursive and --batch together, --batch is ignored, so you cannot use them together.